3,000 uniques and counting

In my spare time I write a blog under a pseudonym and I was really chuffed to see that yesterday the blog has reached over 3,000 unique visitors a month. Compare that to March 2014 at 500 per month.

So what do the readers want? They want all sorts of content, but comparisons between services, tips, heads up on new services and new ways to do things are the most popular.

I have found that updating the most popular posts also helps to draw in traffic, especially if the market is fast moving. A quarterly update starts to become a series, and you start to become an expert.

Having a great look and feel for the blog is also important. I got a designer to design my logo, background etc and took that look across to Twitter and Facebook. Sorting out categories when setting up a blog and ensuring that navigation is intuitive is critical to encourage more readers. And asking readers to share posts also increases visitor numbers.

As the blog grows, it's been fun to attend blogging events and also consider monetising the blog. I have managed to secure an Adsense account, though wouldn't consider the many offers from PRs for paid for content. I think gaining a reader's trust will be hard to do if the blog is awash with sponsored posts.

Anyway, better schedule in some more posts on the way to the next 3,000 blog visitors.

For more information on how Vitis PR can help you set up a blog for your business, please get in touch.

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