
The ideal pitch to the press – part 6: positioning

So, following our last five tips, you now have the perfect pitch…or do you? Here, tip 6 offers you more detail on positioning your pitch and giving it context: POSITIONING: summarise your entire pitch in the first sentence and be sure to give it context. Basically, this means explaining to the journalist why you have…
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The ideal pitch to the press – part 5: everyday news

Draft your pitch in an informal manner, be aware of deadlines, email, call to discuss it then follow that with a summary of your conversation while ensuring the journalist will want to open and read your pitch in the first place by giving it a short, to the point subject line that explains your pitch…
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The ideal pitch to the press – part 4: subject lines

So you now know to draft a pitch in an informal way, being careful when you send it and how but what’s the next step in ensuring your pitch is one a journalist will want to open and read in the first place? 4. HEAD ON: Your subject line should be short and to the…
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The ideal pitch to the press – part 3: contact

Last week’s posts on how to write the ideal pitch explained how important writing your pitch in an informal and conversational way is in attracting a journalist’s attention and when the best time to pitch is. This week, we discuss how to pitch to the journalist: 3. TWO EMAILS AND A CALL: Email a pitch…
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The ideal pitch to the press – part 2: timing

Last week we posted our first top tip on what to consider when targeting the media with a pitch. In addition to ensuring that your pitch is written in an informal, conversational tone, our second most important tip is all about timing awareness: 2. OBTRUSIVE TIMING: know before pitching when media deadlines are, as journalists…
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The ideal pitch to the press – part 1: talk don’t pitch

All too often PR professionals pitch ideas to journalists with no real thought to the story’s angle or how relevant it is for the journalist / media they’re pitching to. At Vitis, we make sure everything we send to the media is to the point so it doesn’t waste their time. Here, we give you the first of our simple, all-important top ten tips to consider when targeting the media with a pitch:

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A great day for our tech PR agency

The 22nd February 2011 has been a pretty darned good day for us, so as it's 21.20 pm and definitely time to knock off. I thought I'd share why we're a happy bunch today. 1. Interview with Information Age for our testing and quality assurance client in London. Short write up already and hopefully more to come. …
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Coventry is a technology hotspot

Our public relations agency has worked for companies across the Midlands and we have stats showing that Coventry holds the highest concentration of technology companies in the West Midlands. With Warwick Science park, the Technocentre and universities helping tech start ups, there is definitely a thriving community. We work for ICTWM, the team behind, wmhive, and…
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Why we love technology PR

Wow, what a great week!  It’s been really exciting as we started it on Monday morning by giving a presentation to one of our clients’ sales teams on the value of PR and how they could help us get more exposure on their behalf.

We’ve had more than our average share of broadcast PR this week, with the Gadget Show coming to film at a client and a reporter from ITV Central coming over to find out more about a client for filming later this month.

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Benefits of social media in public relations

Over the past five years a growing number of social media sites have sprung up, suggesting people are interested in sharing their experiences and linking with new found friends. But what benefits do networking tools like these give PR activity?

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