Category Archives: Effective press releases

Topic archive: effective press releases
A press release is pseudo-news story, written in third person that seeks to demonstrate to an editor or reporter the newsworthiness of a particular person, event, service or product.
Press releases are often sent by e-mail or via a newswire. They can also be part of a full press kit, or may be accompanied by a pitch letter. Journalists or bloggers may use it as a standalone story, for reference (file) or as part of a larger article.
What makes news?

Subject of news stories

Below is a list of our articles and thoughts about effective priess releases, like what to put in a press release or how to get your story noticed by the press.

What to put in a press release

Writing a press release is just the beginning of getting coverage for your news. But what should you put into your press release? Here are some pointers about what to include.

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Online PR case study

We just finished a project where our client wanted to really get the benefit of using anchor links within any write ups of its story.

Now that is easier said than done. A lot of journalists and bloggers don't have the time or expertise to link beyond the homepage or a specific offer or download page of the company they are writing about. Some online publications will even have specific anchor texts that are paid for by other companies.

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Six reasons your press release gets binned

As a UK PR agency, part of the work we do for clients is to send out press releases. Here is a great article from Peter Bartram on how to make it into print.

E-mailing out press releases to newspapers and magazines may sound like a great way to get “free” publicity.

The trouble is that thousands of other companies have had the same idea.

I recently asked 89 editors and other journalists what happens to the releases which swamp their e-mail inboxes. The answer was simple: the delete key goes into over-drive.

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Realwire’s campaign to reduce PR spam

Got this today from Realwire, sounds like it would be worth signing up to:

An Inconvenient PR Truth - a campaign to reduce PR spam

Near the end of last year we carried out surveys with recipients of press releases which focused on the extent to which the releases they receive from the PR Industry as a whole are relevant to them. The results were quite startling with 78 per cent of press releases received by the participants being irrelevant to them. In addition more than half of them had taken action to block a sender of releases due to irrelevance.

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