
10 European industry analysts worth watching

Analysts are both unbiased experts in their specific area, and influencers that many companies seeking services or products related will contact for recommendations, so they act as a new customer and business lead. Not only do analysts research and write reports on businesses and industry trends, but they also interview company spokespeople, like journalists do,…
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Smart home predictions for 2019

We’ve come a long way since the first smart home device. It’s believed to be the ECHO IV and the Kitchen Computer, built in 1966 by Jim Sutherland. Although the machine weighed approximately 800 lbs and filled four large (6’ x 2’ x 6’) cabinets, it could compute shopping lists, control the home’s temperature and…
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Why won’t this blogger write about my product for free?

Some brands think just because they have invented the best thing since sliced bread, then everyone and his dog will want to write, blog, Youtube and Insta about their product/service. Alas, getting the right influencer on side, particularly before any potential competitor does, is not simply a case of telling them about your product/service. In…
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How PRs companies and pros can use Big Data to their advantage

There are so many ways in which big data is being used in professional industries. According to a Gartner study, almost 75% of companies have invested in big data in 2016-2017. Usually data like this is utilized by larger corporations with analytic teams, but public relation departments and agencies are finding ways to take advantage…
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The impact of PR on the bottom line

In response to the question about PR affecting the bottom line, I have put together this information. When trying to understand the impact of PR, you need to understand the main business goals. For example, "our overarching goal is to increase visibility outside the US with a focus on the UK" for a retail software…
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Our list of top 20 UK tech journalists

Depending on which type of tech story you have, you should always approach a journalist that actually writes about the topic you’re pitching. For example, is your news about a new product or service, software, hardware, cybersecurity tool, smart home platform, digital app or something else altogether? All of those news items are technology-related, but…
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Robotics themes for 2018 for marketing and PR teams

No longer the subject only of science fiction, robots have come a long way, and 2018 brings a brand new set of challenges and implications for robotics. We are big robotics fans, especially since we launched the Robotics Seed Fund for Britbots, so we like to keep our finger on the pulse about some of…
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GDPR and PR agencies or teams

Tick tock, not long to go till the new EU data regulation comes into force. Like many in the PR community, I am one with many unaswered questions. I have gone to our media database supplier and CRM provider, who merrily tell me all will be ready for the 25 May 2018 deadline. Wanting to…
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7 mistakes to avoid when choosing a technology PR agency

If like many companies you’re planning ahead for the New Year, and are considering a fresh PR start for your business, then there are a few things that you will need to take into consideration before you hear any pitches. Whether you are a start-up looking to promote your services/products or an established company with…
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Christmas gift ideas for PR clients

Is it a good idea to give Christmas gifts to clients? It's a tricky one as maybe you or they don't celebrate Christmas, or is a branded pen really a nice gift, or do they really want to have lunch with you? Gifting for Christmas is an opportunity to wow your clients, though, some may…
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