The ideal pitch to the press – part 9: summarise

Our last two tips this week finish our top ten tips on how to make a pitch engaging for a journalist and, last but not least, are just as important as our first two tips…so be sure to pay particular attention to them if you want your pitch to be a success:


Bullet points should be used to give an at-a-glance summary of your pitch and to supply relevant supporting evidence. Keep these in order of importance so the journalist reads information in a priority order. This ensures that if they stop reading after a few bullet points, they have still read the most important and relevant information. As with everything else in a pitch, keep your bullet points short and to the point, to avoid wasting the journalists’ time. 

Later this week, our last top tip looks at time sensitive and exclusive info, while also providing a summary for these ideal pitch top tips.
Here's the rest of the series:

  1. The ideal pitch to the press – part 1: talk don’t pitch
  2. The ideal pitch to the press – part 2: timing
  3. The ideal pitch to the press – part 3: contact
  4. The ideal pitch to the press – part 4: subject lines
  5. The ideal pitch to the press – part 5: everyday news
  6. The ideal pitch to the press – part 6: positioning
  7. The ideal pitch to the press – part 7: preamble
  8. The ideal pitch to the press – part 8: attachments
  9. The ideal pitch to the press – part 9: summarise
  10. The ideal pitch to the press – part 10: time sensitive
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